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A.S. Brydens All Inclusive 2006
Date: Sunday 19th February 2006
Location: Trinidad Country Club. Maraval, Trinidad
Promoters: Brydens Group Sports Club (BGSC)

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Sunday February 19th. Exactly one week before the celebration of J'Ouvert, which officially gives way to the moment we have all been waiting for ... Carnival Monday & Tuesday!

Well folks the time is definitely drawing near. Now being in Country Club just some hours earlier, it kinda seems strange to us being back again in such a short space of time. Doh worry peoples, we not drunk!! Same venue different fete! AS Brydens was holding their All Inclusive and TJJ was on de scene.

Reaching at almost 6 pm with remnant of alcohol still in our system, we chose to grab a bite and mingle with the good folks for at least a good hour and a half. Doing so gave us a good opportunity to see the type of folks that were in attendance. Well we never really heard about this fete, but with the amount of sexy women in de dance, bet your life we know not to miss it come next year :-)

Time however was working against us, and even though the limin' was going real good, we had to get our act together. Time to wok! Destra began performing at 8 pm and it was here that the crowd's spirit lifted and people began wining and waving. Adesh Samaroo and Maximus Dan also came and hyped up the fete with their performances which were well received. Like folks just cah get enough when it comes to performances from Soca stars. You have to love de Carnival for this yes!

After the gladiator, Surge took the stage at about 9:30 pm. Driving the women wild, T&T's very own boy group had all the females singing out loud "In Your Timing Girl"! With only half hour to go, when you thought things would be now winding down, it seemed completely the opposite ... is now people start to fete! Although it seemed like the best half hour of the night, all good things must come to an end. Especially when de music stop!

As patrons made their way out, we are sure they were reminiscing on the good food, premium drinks and enjoyable entertainment. We surely were.