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Girl Power 2006 "Flirt"
Date: Friday 24th February 2006
Location: Jenny's Carpark, Trinidad
Promoters: ISLANDpeople

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It's big, big Carnival Friday and ISLANDpeople's Girl Power was definitely one of several events Trini Jungle Juice had to be down in. Where to begin folks ... this was such an extraordinary fete its sometimes hard to find words to sum it all up.

Let's see how about we start with the crowd. Huge as hell! We arrived at ten to eleven and people had already swarmed Jenny's Carpark. De place was packed out. Well oh gosh ... with that much people there and the event being Girl Power with theme "FLIRT" it was women galore! Yuh talk about eye candy, real man going and get cavities tonight. Let's hope they left their woman home or sent her to some other fete, or else they going and get plenty tap and suck teeth all night long. Pressure in de place.

Next up, the drinks. It was a pay drinks affair but T.G.I.F and also thanks to the good folks at ISLANDpeople for hooking up TJJ with VIP/Backstage access. Well bwoy, V.I.P was nice too bad! We talking free Johnnie, Baileys & Hypnotic alongside the other regular alco. Not only premium drinks, but food was available as well. Is like an All Inclusive people ... Pure Niceness!!

Ok, ok so they have tons of pretty women and the drinks going down real nice, but hey it's Carnival season. The time when you guaranteed to see some live stage performances from big Soca bands and artists. We were there from at least 11 until about a little after 5 am and it was non stop performances all night long. It was Denise "Saucy Wow" Belfon at 11:30 pm, Bajan Soca Queen Alison Hinds at 12 am, Imij & Co. with Ghetto Flex, Michelle X and Russell Cadogan at 1 am (We gotta pause to big up Russell for his 2006 Soca tune "Big Buttom Gal," which is just a real crowd favorite!), Destra at 20 past 2, Maximus "The Gladiator" Dan at 10 to 3, Surge at 20 to 4 and last but not least Traffik with the new 2006 International Soca Monarch and Groovy Soca Monarch champion, Shurwayne Winchester (congrats from the TJJ crew) and Candy Hoyte at quarter to 4.

All performances were definitely crowd pleasers and had the masses moving all night long, with DJ Alicia De Duchess filling in the gap and continuing to maintain the hype in between acts. As if that wasn't enough, we even think we missed Kes the Band who performed in the way earlies of the party. One strange occurrence of the night though, was when Traffik was performing. Shortly after they began, there seemed to be a glitch in the electricity or wiring of the stage equipment. Those who were not aware of this just saw Shurwayne abruptly stop singing and the band walking off stage. Even TJJ was taken back! Fortunately, in the blink of an eye things were sorted out, and Traffik was back on stage performing.

Well what more we go tell you all folks. TJJ stayed up to the very end and chipped to our car as the rhythm section took over from where the DJ left off. ISLANDpeople, once again we have got to hand it to you guys ... you all know how to throw a fete!