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TRIBE 2007 Band Launch "Ole time someting ... Come Back Again" Pt. 1
Date: Saturday 12th Aug 2006
Location: Queen’s Park Savannah, Trinidad
Promotions: TRIBE Carnival
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Band launchings have officially begun in sweet T&T (can you believe it's that time again?). On Saturday the 12th of August, TRIBE one of today's leading Carnival bands held their launch. This launch consisted of two parts. First, a media launch which took place at the NCC Club House. Only media and specially invited guest attended this display. Here folks got a first hand opportunity to see the 2007 presentation up close and personal while being served premium drinks and some rather tasty finger foods. After that it was onto the bigger show... the band launch and party which was held at the Queen's Park Savannah, just next to the NCC Club House.

Stepping over into the party, we could hardly tell that we were standing in the Paddock area. The place was extremely well decorated and nicely lit up. Not to mention that it was only a little after 10 PM and the masses had already began to fill de place. This was going to be action tonight! Around quarter to twelve the live entertainment began. Kes the Band took to the stage, performing to a near packed out venue. We think that there were almost 5,000 plus people there ... okay, we have to say it, "Woooooooooooah look at peopppplllllllllllleeeeeeeeeee!!"

Kes as usual out did himself, and doh talk when he did the Black Stalin repertoire... heads turned to see if it was really Black Stalin on stage. This guy is good! After that another "ole time" favorite calypsonian performed and then it was back to the DJs. At 1 AM the music stopped and old time story teller and comedian Paul Keens-Douglas graced the stage. In doing what he is famous for, Paul began telling some comical stories and experiences of carnival back in de old days as his introduction to TRIBE's official 2007 presentation "Ole time someting ... Come Back Again."

In the one hour long presentation MC Paul Keens-Douglas introduced all 16 of its sections of the band. This was done by giving patrons a glance of how the traditional costumes looked, and then by showing them TRIBE's version of the character designed for the modern masquerader. These sections were Jab Molassie, Jamette, Fancy Sailor, Cow Mas, Dame Lorraine, Dragon, Imp, Midnight Robber, Pierrot Grenade, Fire Man, Jab Jab, Fancy Indian, Warrior Spirit, Bat, Jean & Dinah and Majorette.

Folks took a strong liking to what they saw, especially when it came to the female costumes. From what TJJ gathers, it looks like TRIBE will be another hit on de road come Trinidad Carnival 2K7. After the presentation, it was back to the party. DJs High Fidelity/Less than Zero took over the 1's and 2's bussin' some big selections. Even Hoppie (Red 96.7FM) passed through to drop some tunes. Most folks partied till at least 4 AM, but the party wasn't over as yet. Remember, it was a huge crowd and at about 4:30 AM the music began to get softer making way for the pulsating sound of iron. Yep rhythm section time!!

Well folks it was a marvelous presentation and great party as to be expected by any TRIBE event. The only aspect that wasn't too impressive was the delay which occurred in the presentation of costumes that was carded for 11 PM. A minor set back, and we're pretty sure most folks weren't even aware. TJJ would like to say special thanks to the TRIBE Committee and Mas Camp for taking care of us. Looking forward to jumping up with TRIBE on de road come next year Carnival.

Trini Jungle Juice inside scoop.... TRIBE 2007 Costumes will be on display for one week at the Sky View Lounge, Cascadia Hotel for viewing on the following days:
Monday 21st to Friday 25th Aug. 2006 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Saturday 26th - 12noon to 6pm

For more information check out TRIBE's website at Their 2007 website will launch on Monday 28th August, 2006.

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TRIBE 2007 Band Launch "Ole time someting ... Come Back Again" Pt. 2
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