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TRIBE Jingle Bell Jam
Date: Friday 22nd December 2006
Location: Lion's Centre, Trinidad
Promotions: TRIBE
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We on the verge of Christmas and everyone is in the festive holiday spirits. However, it seems ah bit strange but most of the fetes don't seem to be catering towards the culture and tradition of this joyous season. What we really talking bout here is the music. A lil' Parang and some Xmas Soca chunes, we mean is only right! All was not lost though. TJJ was able to catch some live parang action at TRIBE's Jingle Bell Jam.

The event was held at the newly refurbished Lion's Civic Centre, which seemed to be quite ah cozy, yet classy spot. More so, the venue's ambiance also made the party feel more homely and Christmas oriented. Picture TRIBE, one of TnT's leading Carnival Mas bands having ah Christmas Parang party... dat sounding like it will be ah real Soca Parang Jam and boy it was! The party was nice and sweet like 2 pastelles with ham and loads of chow chow with a nice glass of home made Sorrel.

Patrons were surrounded by de usual Tribal family and their followings. Allya know that consisting of pretty and sexy women for so! But then again that's the norm at any TRIBE fete. There were two well organized and nicely stocked bars in full operation. Funny ting though, like de Carib was M.I.A!! Things really heated up when de Soca Parang veteran Scunter came on stage a little after 12AM. Christmas is not Christmas unless you have some Scrunter... De Parang Now Start!! Scunter buss ole tunes such "Leroy," "Anita" and "Bachelor" all de way up to some of his more recent hits. His performance undoubtedly set the mood of the party. We even see some folks bussin some ole school dance while Scrunter was performing. De man have it locked!

After that it was back to the 1's and 2's with DJs XTC. The music was sweet for so! The DJs played some tunes that made people who doh normally shake a leg, buss ah small dance and even take ah lil' wine! Now we in de season of liming & drinking and some folks were definitely trying to destroy de bar. Still good to report that de bar doh buss at a TRIBE event.

Soon enough Christmas will be over, and allya done know what that means... CARNIVAL FEVER!! And believe us, this party set things in the Carnival mood! TRIBE, we can't wait to see you guys on de road come C2K7. It will definitely be "Ole time someting ... Come Back Again"!! But, until the season is officially over, we'll be doing as H2O and Scrunter say, we'll be spending "Christmas With You". Season Greetings!!