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Unite De Nations 5
Date: Saturday 1st July 2006
Location: Markham Fair Grounds, Toronto
Promotions: Unite De Nationz Inc.
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It was Saturday July 1st and that meant only one thing, it was a long weekend up here in Toronto and one of the biggest Indoor/Outdoor Caribbean Extravaganza outside of Caribana would be taking place ... Unite De Nations 5.

Held at the usual venue, Markham Fairgrounds, TJJ arrived on the scene around 6:30pm only to sit in the car for another hour and a half - why you ask? If you see rain for so!! Forget Soca yes, the only song in yuh head was "rain rain go away, ease up ah five minutes nah, ah trying to reach inside de fete!!!" (lol) But you know with cooler in de trunk and a few decent umbrellas people managed to still carry on the little small lime until the rain finally eased up for good around 9pm. It was time to take the lime inside.

Now seeing that this fete started since 12 noon it was no surprise that the place was jam packed. Whether it was jumpin and waving or singing in unison to the latest reggae tunes, on the inside the crowd was having ah ball, we mean who could go wrong with the talented DJ Line up on deck. But since it was hotter dan ah chula on the inside many also chose to hang outside and take in a small lime, buy some West Indian paraphernalia or take in some tasty food which was anything from phourlie, oxtail and of course corn soup (we favorite... hehe)!

Hosted by Jai, E-Man and S.K.F, it wasn't until around 10pm when the performances began and first up was Toronto's own Moses Revolution who managed to maintain the crowd's energy by singing all the hits of 2005 and most recent Carnival big tunes. They were later joined on stage by Jamesy P who performed his popular tune "Nookie" amongst others. While the band switched up instruments for the following act, fetegoers were entertained by the parade of costumes from the Saldenah Mas Camp "Mas Jamboree" enticing last minute masqueraders to join them on the road for 2k6. No sooner and perhaps one of the main reasons people were in attendance, The King Of Calypso, Mighty Sparrow was on stage. Singing all the latest and greatest from "Jean & Dinah" to "Congo Man" it was simply the best, even we had to take a time out enjoy the show.

Next up was Lil' Rick and Edwin Yearwood who just simply mash up de place. First of all the energy to these two performers were outstanding and with all the Bajan massive representing they certainly pleased them. You had Lil Rick singing tunes like "Mash Up and Buy Back", "Do Fa Do", and "Til Morning Come" sending the crowd mad and then Edwin would start up with a classic tune like "Pump Me Up" and the crowd would just go insane! With a final encore performance in no time it was 1am.

Again while bands switched up equipment, it was time for the Carnival Nationz camp to entice undecided masqueraders to join them on the road and so began the parade of costume for the band La Copa Mundial. With majority of these sections already sold out we suggest you decide quickly!

We have to admit that TJJ left before the final performance which happened to be KMC with his Red, White & Black band, along Ms Denise "Saucy Wow" Belfon and from what we heard, it was no surprised that the already hot and sweaty crowd managed to get even hotter and sweatier AND the fete continued till 3am!!! We must mention that many were disappointed as scheduled headline artist Maximus Dan was a no show as well as the surprise reggae artist. Nevertheless, hats off to Bryce, Curtis, Dwayne, Marcus and the entire Unite de Nationz Inc crew for a great event, keeping the peace and unity is what's it's all about!