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Wynah Krew Kick Off'06
Date: Saturday 17th June 2006
Location: Boyds, MD
Promotions: Wynah Krew
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One week before DC Carnival and the only place to be was the annual All Inclusive Wynah Krew fete. This year it was dubbed "Kick Off 06" and had a World Cup theme. And since this is a backyard fete we packed our OFF Insect Repellent & headed for the road.

After driving for what seemed like forever, we reached the estate at about 9:30pm. For once TJJ decides to get somewhere at a descent time and what happens? … no one is there yet! On the bright side, it means no line up for food & drinks. As we walked in, we noticed a line of flags of different nationalities starting at the entrance & leading to the back of the estate. There were inflatable soccer balls all around the venue, you know we had to take a minute & kick a couple of balls (yes we are still talking about the inflatable balls... haha) around. There were also 2 big screens showing Carnival'06 footage. The set up was nice, we could tell there was a lot of planning & thought put into the event.

People started trickling in around 10:30pm, by 11:30 pm the place was starting to look alive. As guests arrived, they were greeted by the jello shot ladies. Then like mosquitoes attracted to light, people all seemed to walk down one path... straight to the bar. This year there were 2 bars, one for hard drinks & another for soft drinks & beer. TJJ must big up the bar crew... talk about service with a smile. After getting the drinks, it was time to get some food. We must say the food was delicious, and not because it was catered by one of TJJ's very own 2 Island Bwoyz. You can check them out at islandbwoyz.com. There were rice dishes, mac & cheese, Jerk chicken, BBQ chicken and our personal favorite escovitch fish... yum.

Ok with drinks in hand & belly full, what next? Oh yes the music. DJs Sprang International & Hazzard were on the ones & twos. Unfortunately MD's finest had asked the promoters to turn down the volume so it was hard to feel the music with out the base. So it was turning out to be more like a nice lime than a fete. But when Sprang dropped the Soca Warriors tune, it was as if the crowd woke up. People were winin' down de place, soccer balls all in de air... like everyone trying to bend it like Lapaty! ;-)

All in all it was fun... good people, good lime, good food & drinks = a good time. We hope to see you all next year.