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Michael Headley's All Inclusive Fete 2007
Date: Thursday 15th February 2007
Location: Salybia, Trinidad
Promotions: Michael Headley

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Fetalotathon® Day 7. Boy 'Fete After Fete After Fete' is no joke, Iwer is ah prophet yes! As soon as Team TJJ recovered (and we mean recovered) from Bacchanal Wednesday 2007 it was off to Event #1 of three, Michael Headley's All Inclusive Day Fete, in Salybia to fill our bellies with plenty food and drink, listen to sweet Soca, take in breathtaking views and of course, lime with close friends.

Headley thought of everything to make a guest feel at home and welcome from the time you entered the gates at 12:30pm. You were greeted with smiling faces, welcome drinks, a gift of a straw hat, to shade you from the sun and for the ladies, a make-up refresher booth with a qualified Sacha make-up artist to assist you.

For the hefty price of $700TT one would think that no one person could eat and drink that much worth in one day, well gentle peeps let us tell you, you CAN eat and drink and enjoy great entertainment for that's worth so much. Let's see the drinks list included Alize, Hypnotic, JB, Bailey's, a top of the line wine list and Champagne. The food list included Chinese, Bake & Shark, Seafood, Oysters, Souse, Grilled Skewers, Creole, Curry and Greek, and wait there was even food to satisfy the dreaded sweet tooth... boy ah getting hungry again just thinking of what was there, and all of this is just to 'only' mention some of the options.

What clinched the day's activities were the performing artists, with belly full and a drink refill in hand, the crowd got to jump an' wine to Allison Hinds, Imij & Co., Shurwayne Winchester and other guest artists.

Fete was going sweet too bad, the next thing TJJ know it was 7pm and the sun was setting behind us. Yes the evening was winding to a close, sad yes but have no fear 'cause with bellies still full and ha quick recharge, Team TJJ heading to Event #3 for Day 7, TRIBE's Carnival Thursday fete "Ignite". In true Iwer style.... "Going round de country mashing up fete.... fete after fete after fete after fete'! Run tune.... "Fete After Fete".

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