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Grand Kadooment Day 2007
Date: Monday 6th August 2007
Location: National Stadium - Spring Garden, Barbados

Click on thumbnails to see the big picture/entire gallery

Rain, Rain and More Rain!

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This is meh first Crop Over and after hitting Glow B'dos, Fore Day Morning "Insomiacs II" J'Ouvert, Dream Land, Booze Cruise and Lara All Inclusive (with sun and beach in between), ah had already decided that this weekend was sooooo great that de step next was to find ah house (or any piece ah land) and move to Barbados!! With the buildup of the fetes since touching down, ah had really high expectations for the Kadooment Day jump up. Well for de record, Sweet Passion Juice turned to Sour Juice one time as ah arrived at Baje International's Mas Camp to hear the bad news that they sold meh costume. What de jail is this!! They made an announcement in the Boat Yard after the Booze Cruise for all Baje masqueraders to collect their costumes before 7PM, and so we cut our lime short and made tracks to the mas camp. With all man jack trying to play with "Isle de Caribe" (de Trini section), there had to be some form of fren business involved.... but we not going dey. Heh, iz TJJ we talkin' bout.... so tings were sorted and amends made. Now ah playin' mas in ah next section by myself, when de rest of de crew jumpin' with "Isle de Caribe". So the jump up have to come rel good to make up for de bad start. Could Sour Juice turn back into Sweet Passion Juice by the end of Kadooment Day?

Monday morning and the TJJ ladies had to get all fancied and sparkled up in their costume, makeup and ting, so you know we reach the Carnival late; jus making it to the Stadium in time for the stage. Wait.... did I say "stage"? What ah meant to say was the race track! Yes my friends, the judges were in some stands to the side of a race track... but did that spoil the fun? No sir! Cheeeeese n Bread! The bacchanal on dat race track once Baje International reach the "stage" was out of control.... jumpin' and winin' out of control. They even had a 'wukkup man' directing masqueraders to wave and jump, so everyone was moving together. That certainly added to the stage presence of Baje. Yes Susan and David, ah had fun, even though ah wasn't in meh correk section! ;-)

Once you cross the "stage", which takes all of 5 minutes, you get a cup of water and then there's a mad rush to the bar truck to pick up your drink's cup. Of course, when I got there, they were out of cups... good ting ah kept my water cup, yes! So drinks were on, with a well-stocked bar..... crucial for de road! Once the initial rush for everyone to get their drink on was over, getting drinks became ah pretty easy process. And oooooh that Rum Punch ah was drinking was slowly but surely helping to turn me back from Sour Juice to Sweet Passion Juice!

How do I describe the jump up with Baje buoy? It was GOOD... no, it was GREAT..... no, it was INSANE!! You see, all day long the skies couldn't decide if it wanted to RAIN or SHINE. Then all of a sudden..... braps..... it was raining cats and dogs!! Ah cyah remember de last time ah play mas in rain like that, if ever at all. The rain actually made the jump up sweeter.... as masqueraders got an extra urge to let their inner inhibitions free. We went back to the front - side to side - front to back, wining all over de place, better yet..... wukking up all over the place!! And ah have to give props where it is due.... dem Bajans can rhel move!! And yes, in order for TJJ to give you a thorough review, it was absolutely necessary for us to wine on as many Bajans (and non-Bajans.... we doh discriminate) as possible to learn and perfect de 'wuk up'. Thanks to one and all that provided the personal tutorials, we look forward to our next lesson! The TJJ Team will be wukking up all the way back to the airport!

The music was rhel sweet too... never a dull moment.... never a time when you look at your friends and say, "what nonsense ah hearing??!!" It was non-stop jamming from start to finish. Big up all the DJs and artists for the sweet entertainment on de road. Winner of the 2007 Tune-o-de-Crop Road March, Mr. Dale says it's best in "Soka Junkie"..... Addicted to de partying – ah hope it never dun ... Addicted to de wining – All man pun a woman ... Addicted to de jumping – Flag in me hand and waving ... I'm a soka junkie yeah yeah ... Addicted to de liming – Until I see de sun ... Addicted to de grinding – All woman find a man ... No need for no attorney your honour I am guilty ... I'm a Soka Junkie yeah yeah ... Tong Tong ting tong tonka ting ting ting tong ting tong

All in all, ah had a ball. It was an orgasmic experience! Barbados, thank you for the wonderful memories!!!

Sweet Passion Juice for the TJJ fam.

Related Galleries
Grand Kadooment Day 2006
2007 Crop Over Coverage
2006 Crop Over Coverage