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Mawnin Neighbor
Date: Sunday 27th May 2007
Location: The Sugar Factory. Brooklyn, NY
Promotions: In & Out, Status Quo and Thief Head Crew Promotions
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After Socaweb Breakfast Party everyone was talking about going to Sugar Factory, a day fete, held by In & Out, Status Quo and Thief Head Crew. As 3 Canal say, "Yeah.... yeaaaaah.... ehhh yeaaah.... what's going on... what's going on.... what's going on? Run de big 3 Canal 2007 track Good Mornin'. So, we got directions and followed some strong men... actually one was Big & one was Strong. Now the Sugar Factory is huge; it has two floors, downstairs was a nightclub and upstairs had a warehouse feel.

When we reach upstairs, Foreign Bass was on the 1s and 2s playing some sweet back in time Soca. It was still relatively early and there weren't that many people there yet so we decided to fill our stomachs in the meantime. They had bake n shark and saltfish, all kinda cake & ting...Yummmmm!

After we finished lick up dat plate of food, we take ah quick walk around and saw some faces we hadn't seen in ah while. We took ah lil' wine here... ah little chip there... and then got down to business.

In no time, de place was ram out and you could just feel the energy of the crowd. Everyone was just happy to be there, loving the music and feeling the vibes. We have to big up all the DJs... Foreign Bass, Natural Freaks, Fresh Kid, Elegant Sounds, Mad Zydez, Young Maddy, Dr Wax, Platinum Sounds, Trini Boom & System Lords ... you all hyped up de fete!!

As we were walking around taking pics, we noticed a member of de Thief Head Crew was on a platform wining and we couldn't resist taking ah little piece of de action... good times, good times!

Now we have to mention de full Iron Section dey had in de place... dat added real vibes to de fete! At some point, de DJ stop de music and called out to the Iron Section. There was a sweet session where the DJ played, then the Iron section answered. They went back & forth sending the crowd into ah frenzy!

As we were taking a lil wine (ok it was more like a dutty wine), we hear a ruckus and see everyone looking up & pointing. Mileage, from the Thief Head Crew had climbed up to dis real high platform and was showing de ladies his wining abilities (picture) .... the girls from TJJ give him 10 outta 10!

The vibe upstairs was out of control, pure craziness! And you already know how much TJJ love ah bacchanal ... so we happy! One quick look at our trusted TJJ Fetemeter.... we see it reading 109F! Dat is what we talking about! TJJ Fete Guidelines - Section 6 - Paragraph 1, "If de fete is not hotta dan hot, then we must not be having a time!" At some point though, it got so hot that we had to make our way downstairs where it was slightly cooler. Now we not saying we fraid of heat... nah... but when we start sweating more than our body mass, we knew it was time to cool off! We continued the party on the first floor with Natural Freaks, who was playing wicked Reggae & Soca selections.

All in all, we had a ball. Big up to Thief Head Crew, Status Quo and In & Out promotions.... you all know how to throw ah fete! Mawnin Neighbor.... Good Mawnin!!