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Resurrection of Jamrock
Date: Saturday 23rd June 2007
Location: Abacus. 24 Cornhill. London, EC3V 3ND
Promotions: Busspepper

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June 23rd 2007 - the weather is still depressing - it's raining and it's cold - and I am confused as hell because I swear England is experiencing the summer season. However, approaching my destination at minutes to midnight - Abacus - located in Bank, London; Busspepper Promotions was hosting their fifth event of the year - "Resurrection of Jamrock". I did not quite understand why 'resurrection' - did Jamrock die? Hmmm... interesting concept yet again.

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So we are back at the Abacus - one of London's sexiest night spots in my opinion. The layout is superb with four main bars - two on each floor - with the underground dance floor which usually beyond a measure of doubt always is full of patrons. Most people are of the opinion that the space which Abacus provides is the winning point for this venue. Busspepper, please keep hosting your events here ... nothing is wrong with the spice of change every once in awhile, BUT ABACUS IS JUST FANTASTIC! The bar service is commendable and they rotate their workers depending on where the largest crowd is located. One qualm though and I only noticed it tonight, Guinness is only served on the top floor ... it is kind of difficult to walk up those stairs after a couple pints of Guinness ... quite difficult.

Heading straight to the bar after walking through the crowded doorway, I purchased my precious (Guinness) and I proceeded downstairs. It was crowded. Quite what I expected since after the turnout from the last party - "Roots, Rock, Reggae IV" - even though it was pouring rain, I did not expect anything less at all. However, I think some women stayed home this time, but I will talk about that later. Nevertheless, the spacious dance floor located underground was full of fans of Caribbean music.

The crowd was a mixed blend of all colours, races, heights, shapes any possible thing you could think of - but that is the usual crowd of any Busspepper event. There were a group of some wassy wuk-up Bajans wining and grinding to any and every song. The classic "VIP" sections were as usual full with the champagne poppers and birthday celebrators all of which to me added to the euphoria of the party. I would go out on a limb and safely say that everyone was having a blast in this event, even if it was just getting drunk from rum and coca-cola and chasing it with champagne, sucking a random face, jirating in a five piece congo line, still reminiscing from coming second in the Warrior Nation Football Tournament (coverage posting soon) while gladly sporting the bottle of Angostura 1919 (I saw you ...), dutty-wining, tekkin' whey yuhself, hot-wukkin' (three times), jamming your fellow rasta brethren on a wall and let's not forget just hanging out with your girls and laughing at the estranged man with his bald head tied up with a doo-rag as he was bubbling more than your entire crew accompanied by sweating so much he could fill a glass of water and quench the thirst of a man melting in the sahara desert.

I still have a serious problem with the quality of music that is being played in these parties, because the music ten to one is basically the same. Imagine Mr. Vegas "Hot Wuk" being played three times in three different segments - one was a remix ... hoo-ray!! Machel Montano "Jumbie" being played twice in different segments. Maybe I should be a DJ or Busspepper need to invest their money in some new DJs. There are so many different tunes and nothing is wrong with going back in time and playing old Dancehall, old Reggae or even old Soca - which is what they do ... but why do they keep playing the same songs!!!! How many times am I going to go to a different Busspepper party and hear Black Stalin "Tonight The Black Man Feeling To Party"?

Despite the qualms from the music, all patrons were all jirating, bubbling, moving left to right as if Hitch (Will Smith) taught them how to dance, anything that they felt like doing because it is all a nice free-up vybz. This is as a result because some people do not care because they are so consumed by the atmosphere, the alcohol or whatever illegal drug they have consumed that they do not care nor remember what songs were played. So either way, it's a win - win situation. Hoo-ray!!!

In terms of any stars or local celebreties in this event – it was a quiet night for the Busspepper promotions, except for Daren Ganga, the W.I cricket captain for the test series just gone up here... I juss want to say it hard going into the office up here when England beating up on us like that... real hard. Oh and the celebrity chef was there as usual... you know he must get a few lines. Hasan the rasta chef in London always doing his thing cooking and selling ah food with the fantastic Caribbean spices and flavours. I did not get to purchase some food this rounds but I know he had his share of people buying his goods. If ever you go a party not labelled an all inclusive and you see two people sitting down facing each other as if they on a date eating a plate of food cooked by Hasan, I guarantee you that at least once in that conversation someone or both of them would concur - "this plate of food real besss!!!"

Well, most definitely another WONDERFUL, RAM-PACK, FULL OUT Busspepper event with all its usual goodies for one to entertain themselves. It's really a pity that these events don't have the exponential power of entertainment - its more of a uniform effect - always the same thing over and over - they need to start increasing the entertainment value. Nevertheless, kudos again Busspepper!!! See you next month for another event - what is going to be the name this time?

Always Forward, Never Backward

Amiel aka Under Mi Guinness

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