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Sunny Side Up 2007 Breakfast Party
Date: Sunday 18th February 2007
Location: Petit Valley, Trinidad
Promotions: Overeasy Promotions, New Vale Crew (Rocfas Members), Palm Avenue Residents Assoc. & C.I.N Network
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Fetealotathon® Day 9, going into Day 10. Breakfast at 4am? What de hell?? Well, when in Rome do as de Romans, or in this case do as de Trinis. Sunny Side Up (SSU) Premium All Inclusive Breakfast Party was the next stop after a great Trini Posse fete, yes it was time for some puddin' and hops with another cold Stag to wash it down. Well maybe at this time more like ah Red Bull, nonetheless, the best breakfast in town!

Boy to tell the truth, on arrival at SSU, TJJ had to start to rub de sleep outta de eyes, but have no fear, there was a plan! After ah quick walk around to see where the stage was, to see where de food was and to see where the drinks were, have a cold Red Bull and forget about sleep and start to party again!

At 4am there was already a small crowd of eager partygoers, but by 7am the crowd was real thick, talk bout people and everybody had a smiling face, maybe they were drunk with sleep but whatever it was, it was ah nice vibe all around. To tell yuh how well this party was thought out, the organizers thought about when yuh might start to feel a little dropsy settling in de bones, they had plenty foam and water to wake yuh up to keep de party going.

Foam and a great lime was only part of this morning's fete formula, later on in de morning Roy Cape with lead singers Blaxx, Trini Jacobs and Olatunji were added into the mix to continue to mash up de breakfast party. Boy ah really doh want to know what de neighbors were thinking at that point, hopefully they were in de jam fetein' in de foam too! ;-)

After jumpin' with de bands, eating breakfast #2, and retiring de Red Bull for a Stag, it was a cool lime till the end at 12noon on Sunday morning with sweet music, warm sun in your face, and sleep now starting to hit yuh again. You would think that all on people's minds would be sleep, but no, it was sleep AND where and when de next fete was, now that is a true Carnival spirit.

So it was yet another great Sunny Side Up Breakfast Party.... definitely one to go home ah talk about, so with that TJJ heading home for a snooze and relax before hitting de streets for J'Ouvert...... MUUUDD!!!!

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