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Photos by Rae
Hawks Int'l Boatride "Le Fete de Blanche"
Date: Saturday 7th June 2008
Location: Temptress World Yacht, Pier 81. New York City, NY
Promotions: Hawks Int'l
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Hey party animals! TJJ NY is on the go again! This time we hit the legendary Hawks Int'l Annual Boat Ride. Man, I haven't been on this boat since 19-sumty sumting!!! It was an all white affair and everyone pulled off their white attire in style. There was a bit of a wait before boarding but soon we were cruising along.

Folks wasted no time heading for the bar. Mind you the line was so long that it seemed like it would take forever but in five minutes everyone was leaving the counter with their beverage of choice at two per person, per the bartenders' orders. No sweat! Drinks two at a time .... hmmm ... a concept! Hey, I overheard some ladies ordering 6!!! The bartender did not budge, "Only two at a time!" Worth a try right? smile There was a long line for the food also! For a minute there, you might have jumped on a line thinking that it was for food and turns out to be the bar and vice versa ... lol! Either way, both moved quickly. Oh yeah, the food ... let's just say I don't usually partake, but this time I couldn't resist the puffs. Cheese puffs!!! There was also a spread of poulorie with tamarind sauce and fish cakes. Folks, that was just the appetizers. Just wait till I start to talk about the Salmon!

Righto, so belly kinda full, drinks on hand, and music blastin' .... sounds like a great fete in progress! Both levels were jamming to the selections by Natural Freaks, Back to Basics, DJ Fabulous and GB. On the outer deck, it was pure jamishness with Rude Boy Dex! The Rhythm Masters enhanced the vibes with a continuous soulful and serious iron beating mixed with drums and a hard core Tassa man! I have to mention the woman who took over on the Congo drums and turned it out!!! Niiiccceee!

Now this boat ride is legendary for its high energy and bacchanal. I mean that in the best way! smile It did not disappoint. I get jam from bout twenty different directions just trying to move through the crowd. Wheeeyyy boy ... the grown & sexy really know how to put it down!!! Every man jack (and woman jane) had a cup or three in hand!!! Hey I wonder if the promoters gave the bartenders a heads up about Trini's and scotch? I swear to you that was the drink of choice (apparently I switched just in time ... lol).

Amidst all the jamishness, I clean lost the rest of the crew and track of time! Apparently it was time to chow down. Folks were lined up still chippin' and winin' while waiting to be served. OMG ... all I kept hearing was, "Whey boy, dat salmon well seasoned! It tastin rhel good boy!" Well I had to put the camera on pause and check it out myself. Mmmmm mmmmph! Wheeeeyyyy booooyyyy! Nah! No eh! Salmon by far is my fav and my scrunchie is off to the chef! (I don't wear hats) Everyone was talking about the salmon!

Okay, now bellies were filled and I don't think the drinking ceased. Oh no, in fact people were still getting their all-inclusive drink on! Ah love it! The bacchanal continued with Capt. Back 2 Basics flinging down a serious wine and get sweaty session. Shoes were off; and that included some men. Some shirts were off and it was just pure jamishness on both levels! I had to take a time out to join in! Oh lad oye! I even spotted a woman wining down to de ground with a cup full of sumting on her head! A was definitely "A" for Action on this boat!

What else can I say ... Legendary!!! The Hawks Int'l boat ride is a definite must do. So add it to your Summer '09 agenda pronto! Thanks to Darrick and the rest for having TJJ on board! It was fabulous!!!!! Look out for Hawks Int'l on de road for Labor Day on the Parkway, and be sure to visit www.hawksintl.com for more info. TJJ will definitely be there!

Petite out!