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Photos by Rae, Stephen CQ, Cindy Palmer

Machel Montano HD @ Six Flags
Date: Saturday 12th July 2008
Location: Six Flags Great Adventure. Jackson, NJ
Promotions: Six Flags in Association with Positive Communications & CCB International
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Rooooaaaddd Trrriiippp!!! Lol! All Roads lead to Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey for Team TJJ! We were definitely hyped and ready to roll! Six Flags.... Soca??? Whouldathunkit! Anywho, we all hit the road from our respective states across the good ole US of A. Well I don't have to mention traffic do I? Traffic traffic traffic traffic!!!! *lol* Mind you, Team TJJ NY was traveling in the cutest of cute VW Bug, AC blasting and chunes pumping, but dat traffic on the NJ Turnpike was pressha!!!! From what I heard, there were numerous all-inclusive bus rides from all over also heading to the park. Shout out to all the West Indian colors represented on the Turnpike as we drove past!

We made a pit stop at some of the infamous fast food outlets because after three hours in traffic we were famished. After a quick drive by the Wild Animal Safari Park (0007), we situated ourselves in our VIP parking and set off to check out the park. We did get a peek at the parking lot though and it was unbelievable to see how many buses were there!!! Just picture hundreds of bus loads of West Indians in Great Adventure ... truly an adventure!! *lol* I must mention a fact that we had no clue about ... why was I told to put on a top (wearing my TJJ halter top)?? Apparently there is a dress code at the park that states you must be covered completely from head to toe and wear a habit!!!

Maaaaaaaaannnn was it blazin hot or what???!!! I swear my skin was melting off faster than I could gulp down some lemonade! As a matter of fact, it was like 100 degrees behind my sunglasses, so wearing them was pointless! We did not get a chance to get on any rides though. I had the ultimate head banger from the heat and no one else had the patience to wait on the hellified long lines AND it was show time soon. It's surprising how fast time flies in the dam heat! There were food tents and a DJ at Festival Village to cater to the influx of West Indians in the park. All you had to do was follow your nose... would you believe Roti at Six Flags? Well we reach whey we going, yes!! *lol* You name it... just check the menu (photo) complete with a DJ which was nestled neatly amongst some trees. Did I mention how many times we got lost on our way there and back!!! *lol*

Soon it was time to head over to the other side of the park to prepare for showtime. If it wasn't for all the flags and rags we would have been lost fuh sure again! It was like just follow the crowd of West Indian accents! Too funny! Hear nah... some of them were drunk already, ah feel dem so was on one a dem all-inclusive bus rides! smile When we got back to the arena, all I have to say is, "WHHHEEEYYYY... if yuh see people!!!!!!" Some how sound check went overtime and the gates did not open at 5pm, but instead about an hour or so after. Now you know you cannot keep Machel's fans waiting! Well I was minding my business backstage when I heard a great ROOOAAARRR!!! Why is it that when the gates finally opened it was like the closing of the Red Sea! *lol* People were in a frenzy trying to get to a good spot in the bleachers or the pit! It was quite amazing and comical. Men and women alike were jumping over the railings (photo) and running top speed (photo)! I don't know how somebody didn't buss dey arse!!! *lol* Hey, but it was over ten thousand people, so who knows I might have missed a buss arse in trute! Sadly one young lady was taken away by ambulance. We are not sure of the extent or origin of her injuries.

More jokes again ... don't you know our illustrious host, the legendary Ian "The Goose" Eligon had to calm the crowd down and request that they kindly return to the bleachers until they are invited to come down to the floor! *lololol* Funny stuff! You know, believe it or not they surprisingly complied! We overheard some security guards exclaiming,"Those f#$%&*% people are insane!" as they ran past us.

The DJ's set up their scene and immediately started to entertain the crowd with soca hits of today and yesteryear. All the while folks were still filing into the arena. Did I mention there were over ten thousand people???!!! Mr. Chucky set things off with his groovy soca hits, "Turn Around" and "See You". He certainly had the crowd singing along and doing a lil two step and taking or theifin' a small wine here and there. Sweet! Another DJ wrapped up this set with some reggae that put some pep in everyone's steps! Hey, no bias ... but allyuh done know the "Party Rocker" Back to Basics mash up the dance before it start!!! His performance on the wheels of steel cannot go unmentioned!!! Expo -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oo-o-o-o-o-o-o-oooo-oo-o-o-ze!! You should have seen the crowd with flags and rags waving! It was still blazing hot so I know for sure that folks were rhell sweaty by the time he was done with them. Psst ... B2B ... like you could fling dong your own concert?? smile

SHOWTIME!!! There was so much excitement in the air that I really don't remember the time! All I know is Machel Montano buss on de stage and all heck broke loose!!! *lol* Well you know the usual suspects were front and center; Patrice Roberts, Farmer Nappy, Zan, the HD dancers ... even Walker blazed the stage. We got treated to a new release, "Push Bumpers". You know I just had to teif a lil wine! Ok, ok a bit more than a lil' wine... oh gosh allyuh know how it is sometimes right! smile

Well the highlight was the J'ouvert special... dedicated to the Brooklyn massive, which was just that, MASSIVE! The streets of Brooklyn were definitely rhell quiet. I don't even have to ask. We are all familiar with the tinkling on the ivorys as the trademark J'Ouvert song begins. Well hear nah man..... ah swear dey was giving away powder or de powder posse walk wid about ten case ah powder, cuz it was powder STRAIGHT!!! We were no where near the powder, but it all in we eye!!! Bout twelve powder posse from all different directions! If yuh see dem charging through the crowd! Speaking of charge, "Toro Toro" ... lawd fadda! More powder again!!! As a matter of fact, the show was 75% POWDER!!! Amidst the bacchanal, some dude appeared to have "ketch de power" that's to tell you how powerful the vibes were! Vibes were niiiiccceee!!!! According to Machel, "the heartbeat of the crowd" was asked to spread out and make a sacred circle only to "CHARGE!!!" back together!

Man every hit was fyah!!! The show would not be complete without a roll call. It's safe to say that every country was present including the overwhelming presence of Brooklyn and Trinidad and Tobago! What .... Brooklyn is a country too ... or did you not get the memo??!! There was also a very tender moment when Montano invited his daughter and his kids to stage to sing along to "We Not Giving Up". I don't know about y'all, but it brought a tear to my eye ... awwww.

Ok ok ok! You would not believe this ish now! There was a marriage proposal right in the middle of "Unconditional" AND she said YES!!! Yet another teary eyed moment. *sniff sniff* Of course Machel had to top it off with congrats and telling them that they were about to go into De Heat!! Ahhhh!! Fete DONE!!! Pure lacaray!!!

Folks, I've been to many many Machel Montano concerts and they are all different and full of surprises!!! We have to thank Reiad of Vibez Entertainment, the most patient promoter ever! We love you! Also thanks to CCB and Positive Communications.

Pheeew! Ok now where's the ibuprofen?
Le Petite for the TJJ fam.