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Photos By Anthony E.M.
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TRIBE Mas "Take Me To ..."
Tuesday 2012 Part 2
Date: Tuesday 21st February 2012
Location: Port-Of-Spain. Trinidad, W.I.
Click on thumbnails to see the big picture/entire gallery

All the months in the gym and eating bush and water have led up to this moment where all your hard work goes on display for the world to see. Nothing should detract from this incomparable experience and TRIBE goes to great lengths to ensure that your every need is catered to so that your only concerns should be looking bess and having a time. This is why we are TRIBE loyalists.

Year after year we continue to be impressed with TRIBE’s efficiency and innovation when it comes to the bikini mas business and their ability to cater to their masqueraders wants and needs. C2k12 was no different. The high ... >> READ MORE

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