Salsa in the City on the Inside
L.A's Musician's Seminar by Stephen Tirpak

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When I arrived at my first group lesson, I was surprised to find out that only 2 trombones showed up, myself being one of them. So basically, I got to hang out and have private lessons with Jimmy Bosch throughout the entire seminar! All of the members of Spanish Harlem were welcoming and willing to share their knowledge. Most of the musicians in attendance were also dancers. If the music community ever discovered these workshops there would be a battle for spots! They would need to hold auditions for sure and competition would be fierce. I plan on attending again next year. Hopefully more people will come out.

The dancing was out of sight. You have to totally change your sleep pattern. Not only from the time change but mainly because most nights we didn’t arrive until 12 o’clock and didn’t leave until 4am! It’s not like we were the only ones pulling that schedule either. I knew this place was awesome when I walked by the performance tent and saw a full audience watching these amazing dancers at 2:15 in the morning. Who performs that late… really? But they did and if felt right.

And then it was over. Like Christmas, you look forward to something for so long and when it finally arrives, wish that it didn’t have to end. But I have lots of memories and some killer photos. The cycle continues. Looking forward to next year. Hope to see you there!
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