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The Steupidness Of Commercials
By Mad Red Woman
Published on 30-Oct-08
All yuh ever see commercials for paper towels where there is a Mother and child?  Ever notice that the Mother is caring and loving when the chile spills something and she has to clean it up with a paper towel?  Well if you haven't, this is how it goes down; chile spills something on the table or floor, says something cute like "Uh oh" or "Whoops" and looks up at the Mother.  Mummy comes by and smiles and says it's ok and cleans the mess up with ...

Mood: Slightly Vex
All yuh ever see commercials for paper towels where there is a Mother and child?  Ever notice that the Mother is caring and loving when the chile spills something and she has to clean it up with a paper towel?  Well if you haven't, this is how it goes down; chile spills something on the table or floor, or crayons the wall and says something cute like "Uh oh" or "Whoops" and looks up at the Mother.  Mummy comes by and smiles and says it's ok and cleans the mess up with a paper towel and then proceeds to wipe the chile's tear stained face with another paper towel.

Who d a** does that?!  All yuh know very well know that if that was you or me that make that mess, our bams would have gotten a lash or a yell or one extra long steups.  It would go down like this.

  • "These children and them always messing stuff up. Steuuuupppppssss..."
  • "Wha wrong with these children and them? Lawd give me the strength! Stop that crying! Wipe yuh face!"
  • "Steuuuppps, come here! Come here and clean this up nah!  Stop crying!"

It really makes me MAD when commercials try to imitate life because they fail miserably.  If I was a chile watching the paper towel commercial, I would think that there is nothing wrong with making a mess and proceed to spill everything everywhere and draw on the wall with crayons, markers and pepper sauce.  Then, out would come the cuckoo stick and my short life would be over!

Do these strange marketing tactics really help sales of paper towels? What kind of research has been done on this?  We need to have a talk with them because clearly they doh know what they are talking about.  Have you guys seen commercials like this where art definitely doesn't imitate life?  Le we discuss.

- Mad Red Woman