Caribbean News and Views | Jungle Jabber -
The Obstacle Course Challenge Industry Is Hitting Trinidad & Tobago In 2012
By TJJ Admin
Published on 04-May-12
They say that if you can do this, then you can do anything you put your heart and your mind to. That's how Hardcore, the Caribbean's brand new and exciting obstacle challenge series aims to inspire thousands to use our military-style obstacle course events to reinvigorate their commitment to fitness and healthy lifestyles, and to ...

They say that if you can do this, then you can do anything you put your heart and your mind to.

That's how Hardcore, the Caribbean's brand new and exciting obstacle challenge series aims to inspire thousands to use our military-style obstacle course events to reinvigorate their commitment to fitness and healthy lifestyles, and to demonstrate that with the right attitude you can overcome any challenge that life throws your way.

Participants in Hardcore events will run through 5+ miles of harsh tropical terrain and along the way encounter 20+ military-style obstacles. With obstacles designed by a US Special Forces officer and local 5th Dan Black Belt, Adam Chin Leung, participants will know that theyfre in for a serious challenge!

Hardcore is not a race - it's a serious test of fitness, courage and strength of character, and a way to develop a sense of camaraderie and promote teamwork among those who take up the challenge.

Hardcore is a very proud supporter of local Paralympic sport, because Paralympic athletes embody the spirit of Hardcore events. They overcome serious physical and mental challenges to take part in sport at a competitive level and are an inspiration to us all. Hardcore hopes to help sport to become more widely available to persons with disabilities, and to help develop an elite cadre of Trinidad and Tobago Paralympic athletes, through contributing part proceeds of our events to the Trinidad & Tobago Paralympic Committee.

We're teaming up with local celebrities, who are coming out in support of Hardcore's aim to use our events to encourage national participation in sport and fitness, and will engage in pre-event training and even run the event itself! We'll be releasing more detail on this very soon

In the meantime, you can join our growing fan base on Facebook at and visit our website at for further detail.

Sponsors should contact Jamie Garcia, Head of Sponsor Relations and Events Management at, for detail on how local companies can be a part of the biggest show to hit Trinidad & Tobago since Carnival.

Hardcore's first Caribbean event is scheduled for 5 August in Chaguaramas, Trinidad.

Get ready to unleash the warrior within!