Caribbean News and Views | Jungle Jabber -
Radio Tambrin Celebrates 10 Years
By TJJ Admin
Published on 11-Jun-08
On the 8th of June 1998, Radio Tambrin took to the airwaves and it has been flying high ever since! Prior to Tambrin’s take off it was difficult for the people of Tobago to find out what was actually happening in Tobago. The only sources of information or even community dialogue were the grapevine, the bush telegraph or word-of-mouth.

Tambrin 10th anniversary cakeOn the 8th of June 1998, Radio Tambrin took to the airwaves and it has been flying high ever since! Prior to Tambrin’s take off it was difficult for the people of Tobago to find out what was actually happening in Tobago. The only sources of information or even community dialogue were the grapevine, the bush telegraph or word-of-mouth.

Now ten years later Tobago’s only radio station Radio Tambrin 92.7FM is commemorating its anniversary with numerous events over the next year.

To start the celebration an anniversary church service, which was attended by the full staff compliment as well as many well wishers, was held at the Scarborough Methodist Church on Sunday 8 June followed by a luncheon in Tambrin’s yard.

One of the highly anticipated events is the holding of popular morning program Wake Up Tobago with Kamau Akili, Anselm Richards, Garth James and station Managing Director George Leacock, at ten villages throughout Tobago.

The Community caravan will be held bi-monthly over 5 months, commencing with Plymouth on Friday 13 June at TJ’s By the Square at the Passa Passa Bar, corner of Shelbourne and Halifax Street Plymouth.

The broadcast which begins at 6.45am includes folk singing by the Plymouth Anglican School, as well as live interaction with villagers on various community topics including the steelband movement, fishing and village events.

Anniversary activities include Policeman Day, Elders’ Day, Lecture series, full Heritage Festival coverage, a newspaper pullout and a special 10th anniversary Under the Saaman Tree.

With a tagline of ‘Ah We Radio’ Tambrin is commemorating ten years of successfully putting Tobago on the airwaves, not only in Tobago but more recently, also in Trinidad.

For details visit