Tahira aka PureDC

 Articles by this Author

Midnight Masquerade Review

So! The clock strikes TWELVE MIDNIGHT...... and the boat still tied up!.... Yes!!!! We weren't left. 23rd Street departure.....ride up the east river........jersey girls and close view of the city, a recipe for a great boat ride! After long walk to...

Alright Alright Alright... Thank goodness that this was a late afternoon boat ride. Initial the sun was working hard, So it's only right to mix some JOHNNY with the elements... mind you we weren't the only ones with this marvelous idea!  As we were looking for parking we saw plenty of ...

Buenos Dias Boatride 2012 Review

I had such at time! This fete raised the bar high and the Thief Head Crew (THC) didn't disappoint.
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