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Genesis Launch 2k6 "Festivals"
Date: Saturday 10th September 2005
Venue: The Anchorage, Trinidad

Promoters: Genesis
Click on thumbnails to see the big picture/entire gallery

On Saturday 10th September 2005, Genesis held its band launching. The Anchorage, Chaguaramas was the venue chosen for the night of revelation.

Well you know de usual Trini scenes... people just love to come out to fetes late. So, things did not heat up until about one in de morn when DJ Tweez started playing. The on and off rainfall didn't help either. At about two o' clock, the Carnival 2K6 presentation Festivals began. This lured the crowd's attention to stageside, as Ian "Strongy" McKenzie himself came up and got things rolling. Sexy models elegantly portrayed the array of costumes that the band had to offer masqueraders. The display seemed to entice the crowd, especially the men as they were bedazzled by how stunning the female models looked in their pretty costumes.

After the presentation, Roy Cape band took the stage and got the party started. Not too long after that, they were joined by Maximus Dan, who continued to maintain the hype of the crowd with his performance. Maximus also made mention about the crime and violence in TnT, and had the crowd singing along to popular 2006 hit, Order. Mr. Neil Iwer George graced the stage after the gladiator, and kept the crowd moving as he performed some of his more loved hits. Although it was not a packed out Anchorage, the folks that came out to show their love & support for Genesis and the entertainers, appeared to have a nice time.

Trini Jungle Juice would like to send out a special thanks to Ian & the Genesis camp for allowing us access to the 2K6 launch of "The Alternative All-Inclusive Fun Band - Genesis." Like they say, "Less hassle, more fun!"

For more information, log onto their website