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Photos by Ines Juchem
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Scruples Block-O 2006 Pt. 2
Date: Friday 6th October 2006
Location: Metropolis. Downtown, Miami FL
Promotions: Scruples Inc.
Click on thumbnails to see the big picture/entire gallery

Fuh years and years now de reputation dere... come Miami Carnival Friday night, de party to be in is Scruples Block-O!! This is everything that you want in a Fete... everybody yuh know (or want to know), drinks like water and mad, mu-mu-mad, mad, mad people jumping up. De memories until yuh pass out cause tings was nice and yuh "head bad". Like de Lord Nelson say, "man start sway'n... foot eh movin"... lime nice and sweet bamsie fuh days.

SCRUPLES ENT LIKE DEM OTHER PARTIES, take Girl Power for instance; yuh pay yuh $40 to go and see all dem strong independent woman performances... plenty stage show. If ya dare and ya feel so, yuh could buy ah little drink and ting... but yuh will discover that is like they want ya to enjoy de show and not drink too much... since water is $5 and mix drinks is $12. As fuh me, when I go ah fete, I want drinks and DJs bussin all de chunes, especially from de artists that promoters not inviting to perform in de Carnival. Scruples have the right concept to me... and the people that come out to de Block-O every year seem to agree!

So wha happen at de Block-O this year? We reach bout midnight. A huge GIRLS GONE WILD bus parked outside the venue.... hummmm, interesting (read on). Plenty parking with prices ranging from $10 to $20. We cyah comment on de free parking, although in dat part of Miami ah sure yuh coulda find ah spranga to watch ya vehicle whole weekend fuh ah two dullas. But anyhow, everyting looking secure, big crowd outside ready to fete. Line moving... smallies glowing. Ah tip toe and peek over de wall and I see one setta massive... meh heart start to flutta... ah say dat time of de year come again, feel like ah about to cross de big stage in de Savannah. Ah walk in de door, security do dey business, and I on meh way. Den a realize de scene... most of de masses that I see outside was pack up like '3 Plumes' matches against de bars. The rest of the crowd was spread out through out the rest of the venue, with your gapers and limers at the back scope-sing out de scenes and the hardcore feters towards the front of the fete, where de stage was set up, getting their groove on.

We mentioned earlier that this fete is all about de FREE DRINKS and DJs, but this year Scruples added KES THE BAND in de mix. Unfortunately, after talking with a member of the band, de authorities that was supposed to approve their license to perform in Miami real stick and never delivered the approval... mind you, no fault of the band or the promoters as the request was made like 3 months before. Kes Diffenthaller, being the good hearted person he is, still performed using High Fidelity/Less Than Zero to provide the instrumentals. The ladies loved him as usual, and of course Kes couldn't resist pulling ah smallie outta de crowd on stage to buss ah "push back... tek ah wine on somebody!" Large up to Kes. Both Benny (High Fidelity) and Kern (Less Than Zero) were in fine form on the night... thanks for de "More Rum For Me (Mr. Chankar)"!! Big up to other Scruples resident DJs Rebel and House Arrest, oh and we cyah forget Tony Tempo representing for ATL.

If you were wondering about de Girl Gone Wild (GGW) bus, iz because they were on the inside video taping and taking photos. They were on stage video taping as High Fidelity hyped the crowd playing Destra and Machel's 2003 people's favorite "Carnival". Benny announced free Girls Gone Wild t-shirts for anyone getting on bad. He jokingly added, "Yes I know it's a Caribbean crowd, and we have self-respect to not go about flashing we privates for ah t-shirt... but feel free to show something if ya want!" We're pretty sure if people had more alcohol in dey system, that Girls Gone Wild woulda be releasing ah Caribbean GGW version in two weeks!! ;-)

Metropolis is a decent venue. All in all, people had ah ball. Big up De Fetebusters Crew! The "Rum Sucka Crew" kept buyin up all the shooters, drinks and what eva juice was available, AND drinks or NO drinks... EVERYONE towards the front of the fete was getting on real WASSI and having ah time. Actually, we even saw some crews getting on bad at the back of the fete! And when we speak about de memories until yuh pass out cause tings was nice and yuh "head bad"... you can ask THIS GUY (Pt. 2 Gallery) when next you see him!! :-) Ah must mention the corn soup on sale by D Trini Spot... people line up for ah hour for this soup fuss it was on point! Besides having to wait a lil' longer than expected for ah drink, it was definitely another successful year for Scruples Block-O. Scruples, we have complete faith in allya... TJJ had ah great time this year and will definitely be back next year! HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY!!

From de desk of Dr. Ram Dass

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Scruples Block-O 2006 Pt. 1