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Evolve 3
Date: Friday 30th March 2007
Location: Beer Garden. Aranguez, Trinidad

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This "musical" event (the music was mixed up like pelau ah cah call it a rock concert, ah have to call it a "musical") started at 10pm and brought a good gathering in the Beer Garden (Aranguez main road.) Nylon Pool was the first band to perform. Although they where missing their drummer, the bass guitarist held down the fort, bringing forth the vibrations needed to rock a band. Their music consisted of an acoustic Reggae, Soca blend. Hey Darren... love the green guitar, it's cork for sure! Nylon Pool's performance was tight, loved the energy!

The General Surgeons came on next paying tribute to the birth of Reggae. Their music consisted of Scar, Rock, and Calypso. Scar is a nice jumpy chill music with an electric keyboard. Nice line up on the beard Keshav, very audacious!

The last band, 12 really did some damage to the audience, definitely mashing up the place. They brought their rhythm with Jazz tones, Soul notes and a Reggae Trini vibe. The drummer was bling'd out with his funky fro and his hands out of control. Oh Sheldon, do you want to be deaf by the next 5 years?? You're nuts sticking your ears next to a trumpet!! ;-)

This was my first experience, and it was great to see the collaboration of different basic music turned into eclectic, vibrant music. We have great talent in Trinidad & Tobago, and we should continue to support it!! Yes man, it was great to see many people come out to enjoy the energy.

Peace Keyz