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Photos By Amiel B.
Babash Presents ... Drink Something Again!!
Date: Thursday 27th November 2008
Location: Sequoia @ Ruby Lo. 23 Orchard Street. London, UK
Promotions: Babash Events
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Babash!!! Babash!!! Is the drink we drinking!! Babash!!! Drink something!!! Again!!!!! Babash!!!

Ruby Lo @ Sequoia ... TJJ heading to the after work lime! We need some Babash!!! Some good Babash!!! After a resounding success of Thriller 2 (yeah boy!! resounding success) - babash decides to throw their after work lime and lock us down with some Caribbean food, music and culture!

We loving the sexiness that Babash Events brings to their events - probably something different on the 1s and 2s from DJs Vendetta Sound and Che In The Mixx or is just the concept? - the afterwork lime concept - yeah man come and wine and prance up in yuh work clothes - or is it just Babash Events? - we don't know what it is, but they definitely have something that makes people come out to enjoy a night out! Handing out cases of Rockstar or even a bottle of Ten Cane rum as a competition maybe? What allyuh think? Whatever it may be, we endorse their ideas behind a different concept - a different idea!

What we really want to know at the TJJ UK Camp .... When would Babash Events give out a serious bottle of Babash??? You know, the real thing.. the stuff in the Coca Cola 2 litre bottle!! Hahahaha ... yuh pull it out from yuh trunk (car boot) and yuh bat the thing strong .... head gone!!! Eye twist up bad!!! Babash!!!! Babash!!!! Hahaha!! Must mention the love Che and Vendetta received from the crowd as partygoers screamed and raised their hands to almost every tune played, as well as, the level jam pon batty session that took place in front of the DJ set! We sure love the Babash crew!!!!

Anyhow! Last train calling! TJJ 9 to 5 .... doh wha go to work with we eye dem buss up! We came .. We wine .. We drink .. We eat .. We had a time! Next stop ... We bed!!!

Under Mi Guinness (ah Budweiser tonight)
Always Fabulous Never Buss