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Photos By Kerra R.
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Big People Outdoor Fete 2008
Date: Sunday 3rd August 2008
Location : Wild Water Kingdom, Caribbean Cove. Toronto, Canada
Promotions : Dr. Jay & Dianna

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Caribana weekend is all about getting’ dutty for J’ouvert, jumpin’ up for de Scotia Bank parade and of course changing up de pace on Caribana Sunday at the best kept secret for the 3rd Annual Big People Outdoor Fete! Ah mean, after ah loooong weekend, yuh jes want to take it easy and blend with some big people vibes.. and there was no better place to do that than at de Caribbean Cove at Wild Water Kingdom, featuring live performances by the best from the past and the present, all brought to you by Dr. Jay and his mom.

After all de pace for Caribana weekend, de TJJ crew was tyaaad ... BUT that definitely wasn’t stoppin’ us from checkin’ out this fete! We’ve been at this event two years in a row because of the beautiful outdoor ambiance and it’s evidently de bess way to end ah great weekend! We arrived at Wild Water Kingdom around 10pm and the parking lot was raaaaam ah tell yuh! We had to park across de street in order to find ah spot.. small ting tho! Everybody was rollin’ thru this fete, so we hadda expect that! Once we got through the gates, fete-go’ers were already surrounding the stage and groovin’ to de chunes played by Dr. Jay de Soca Prince, Stretch Mcneilly and the Toronto Iron Legends while de man with de steel E-Man hosted the show. There were a few performances lined up for the night and fete-go’ers couldn’t wait for de show to start.

Now only this one fete could bring you two living legends who have won a combined ten Trinidad and Tobago Road Marches. It was truly an honour to witness legends like Shadow and Super Blue on stage, and in addition to that, Kes The Band, Nadia Batson and Gary Cordner ... ouuuui papa!! Kes the Band kicked the show off and Gary Cordner later pumped us up with chunes like “Hold On and Wine,” “Shango” and “Sugar Baby.” The crowd was energetic and feeling de vibes as Nadia Batson and Kees tore up de stage with EVERY song they performed. From “Caribbean Girl” to “Right Dey” de crowd was weak for this amazing and talented duo!

Next up, Super Blue backed by the Roy Cape All Stars (a added bonus since they weren't on the ticket) blessed the stage with all smiles. The crowd was already pumped to de max so flags were wavin’ and screams could be heard from miles away. There was one crew that stood out as they waved a blue Superman flag high in de air, representing for the man himself! It was ah “Flag Party” inside de Cove so yuh know it was “Bacchanal Time” all over again as everyone got something and waved! Super Blue then sang “My Name Is Carnival” and called out to all de “Soca Baptists” on de premises as he left us in awe with his spectacular performance. Last but definitely not least, the Bass Man Shadow, known for his big hits like “Poverty Is Hell,” “Whap Cocoyea,” and 1974 Road March Bassman” took the crowd down memory lane. One couldn't help but feel the love amongst de crowd ... it was all about Caribbean Unity!

But wait, that wasn't all. When we look twice ... surprise guest, Black Stalin, ran out on stage and buss one tune ... “Black Man Come to Party” and it was a wrap! Stalin destroyed the Wild Water Kingdom crowd!!! Thanks Jay for hooking that up!

After listening to that lineup of performances, we were speechless!! To be a part of such an amazing show made this one of the highlights of our weekend. Who knows when next Shadow, Super Blue and Black Stalin will ever bless a stage together again??!! The party continued until about 2:30am with de crowd as packed as when we first walked in ... like nobody wanted to go home, yes!! Lol! Ah doh blame them ... de energy, de vibes, de ambiance ... everything complimented each other and Caribana Weekend coudn't have ended on a better note!

Mizz Kayz on de run for now.. iz pace!