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Photos By Neil B, Nicki JC, Lia H & Panidad
Broward Caribbean Carnival 2008 Pt. 2
Date: Sunday 12th October 2008
Location: Central Broward Regional Park. 3700 NW 11th Place. Lauderhill, FL
Promotions: Broward Caribbean Carnival Inc. (BCCI)
Click on thumbnails to see the big picture/entire gallery
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Now I doh know who went to the Carnival in Miami, but budder ... ah sorry for allyuh ... Broward Carnival was rel, rel boss!! Reaching there around 1pm, we ent miss ah ting! The location and facilities were outstanding. And as usual, security tight, tight ... noooooooooo, not with rum ... but they were out in their numbers. They were actually a lot deeper than the TJJ Crew (hehe) and were really professional too if we might add. From the 'Will Call' booth to the systematic setup, organization and channeling of patrons ... it was outstanding!!

Okay ... so enough about the organization, time to throw waist!! Opps ... sorry…..time to take photos (right)!! Nevertheless, we know we had plenty snapping to do, so we got right to it. With music pumping loud and nuff jamming going on, we didn't know where to go first. So we hit ah lil' steel pan session and guess who we see? Joanne from Spice International ... well ya know she hail up the TJJ crew rel big.

From there it was off to the masqueraders ... Mascots International led the pack with their beautiful women and vibrant colors, as they do every year ... BUT ... yes, there's a BUT ... just like last year One Island Body Paint Band proved to be a power house in the Carnival celebrations. This year we doh know where all them people come from, yes!!

So the jumping kept going and going and going - just like the energizer bunny - but instead of wukking we waist off on batteries, we were running on pure music!!!

And if allyuh see de size ah dem trucks ... wayyyyyyy!! As ah matter of fact, it even had ah TRUCK OFF!! Eh eh, allyuh doh know what dat is? Well, we will tell yuh ... so the truck from the One Island Body Paint Band stop and the truck from the Hatian Band pull up alongside. Then the One Island Body Paint Band truck stop their music for the Hatian truck to play for their crew. But the Hatian truck couldn't find their music ... dat was pressure on de kitty cause people want to jump up ... and allyuh know we Trini's ... we jumping to anything!! But anyway, the Trini truck MC ask de Hatian truck MC if he wanted them to play ah tune til' dey found their's. But the Hatian truck MC dig ah horras and boof the Trini crew. So no music playing!! Well yuh know the Trini crew started to get on rawted, and even the Hatian Band start to get ah horras from their revellers as well cause no music playing. After the Trini truck start up ah little chune - "Get On" by Fay-ann Lyons - if allyuh see the Hatian people bruck out!! Well DJ man get rel vex ... so after a few minutes, the Trini MC ask de Hatian MC one more time, "Allyuh sure allyuh ent want help?" Finally de man said, "Okay, go ahead, but it must be Hatian!" The Trini truck buss ah big tune dred - "Sak Pase" - and from there, it was pure niceness!! But that is to show you the versatility of us Caribbean people, and the love we have for each other ... especially around Carnival time!

After all that jamming ... sooooo sorry again ... after all that 'PHOTOGRAPHY' by the Broward TJJ Team, allyuh know is only one place we heading to eat ... yes, you got it ... D' TRINI SPOT!! That's right, and this year they looked out for the TJJ family big time!! Gerry ... thanks a lot man!! Much respect. And when Gerry was doing all de running around to make sure everything in order, Aunty Hazel and her two sons were bussin' dey tail to make sure we had enough Bake & Shark and Corn Soup ... yes, yes!!! Now this was about 7pm when we sit down to eat. And by the time we finish, around 9pm, it was time to head stage side, where Iwer George just mash up de place!! Again!!

Then Edwin Yearwood and big Bajan band Krosfyah held the bulls by the horn and ran with it ... they were great!! The 15,000+ crowd decided they were not going anywhere ... and why would they?? Music playing, waist throwing, vehicles safely parked, exit strategies in place (due to great organization), hundreds of vendors with food and drinks and drinks and food (like Uncle B from DC does say) and the TJJ crew on the inside ... what more can you ask for??!! Eh? smile Well, one ting for sure is that Eddy Charles, Sean Caruth and the band Traffik was still to come. And as soon as MC Skywalker called them, they came! And they brought Soca Chutney star Rikki Jai with them ... wow ... boss performance!! Just now Walmart ga be selling hips and waists cause when they can't function no more, they will be replaced with new ones ... right? smile

But anyway people, Broward Carnival was on point this year ... trouble-free, family oriented and well organized from the get go!! Tony, Mario and the rest of the BCCI board, great job guys!! Shout outs goes out to Lawson, Dallas and Vic Lewis as well.

Joy Juice & the TJJ Broward Team signing out

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