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An army of little ones came out filled with excitement and anticipation, ready to mingle with their peers, and of course collect their gifts from Santa.
Jungle Juice was lucky enough to spend this Sunday afternoon, with these cute, bright eyed munchkins, as they celebrate during the holiday season.

When we entered the children’s world, their party was far beyond started. They were dressed up in their cute little fashions, sipping on their Capri suns, plenty of sweet treats in hand, as they engaged in their little big talk about Avatar and Hello Kitty. Most of their parents were friends and familiar faces to the Jungle Juice family. They took the backseat on this one and let the kids enjoy themselves. The grown folks sat around and mingled amongst themselves, keeping an eye on the youngsters as they got their face painted, chased each other around the open space, and waited for their names to get called to meet with Santa.

Santa was lacking a bit of the Santa-esk personality. I don’t think the kiddies were too convinced. Some of the younger ones broke out into a fuss, some even shed a tear. The older kids gave Santa a peculiar look and kindly accepted their gifts. I don’t blame them, Santa needs a bit more spirit!

The young ones definitely have a ton of energy. They did not want to end their night at Dear Santa. I overheard a few organizing after parties and sleepovers. Sorry guys, you all have school in the morning :) . The dj started to spin some tunes while everyone gathered their kiddies and organized to head out.

Once again, Natalie and the Glam Squad came through for a good cause. Giving the kids something special to look forward to every holiday season.
The following weekend, its the grown folks turn.

We’ll see who was naughty and who was nice...

Reva aka Junior Juice xoxo

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