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Sun high in the sky, its after 11am carnival Sunday and we now heading to Sunny Side Up (SSU) breakfast party.  We were supposed to be there at 7am eh but.........

As we walked inside C Pac, the bright signature yellow and black colors greeted us along with yellow cups which would come in handy in a few minutes.  Yes we were shocked that they still had cups to distribute at that time of the day with the sea of people on the inside.  Without question we took our cups and were chipping our way towards the music.

There was literally no walking room because the yard was probably at capacity but it had vibes.  So with nowhere to walk we walked through the sprinkler and foam to find the bar.

In no time, we saw tons of familiar faces who willingly filled our cups to the brim w/ Johnnie so we didn't need the bar again.  Combing through the crowd all the out of towners were very present, having a good time and everyone was all smiles drunk or sober.

Since we got there so late we can't comment on the breakfast served earlier in the morning but I'm sure it was bess like last year.  What I do know is that some people either did not eat enough because at the end of the party there were a few of them laid out cold on the floor, maybe it was too much partying and not the alcohol lol.

Sunny Side Up ended on a high note and all I can say is we wanted just one more hour.....

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