Judes aka Rasta Barbie

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 Articles by this Author

Summer seems so swiftly to be coming to an end, and so it was with a bittersweet feeling that we donned our purple outfits and accessories and headed over to the Purple Reign ...

Flutter Review

Volume II was transformed into a butterfly garden with pastel colors and paper butterflies everywhere- even on the Chinese lanterns! I was told the decorations had been even more elaborate, but much had to be taken down due to the huge storm that took place right before the party started. But never fear, the rain ended, the sun soon came out and we were ready to flutter!

Blue Vino Review

Shorblu has banded together to bring you a new type of event: BluVino Wine and Music Festival, a sophisticated summer afternoon party, featuring wine and ...

It's 5:40am, still dark outside. We were zipping along the quiet Brooklyn streets on my way into Manhattan. Finally one of the most highly anticipated boat rides of the summer, Silent Morning "We In The City" Breakfast boat ride is here! Though I have been looking forward to this one, it's hard to drum up enthusiasm while you are still ...
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