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    Ravi B (Karma) Biography

    Ravi B, a prince of stardom, being the best in his field of music and singing, is one of the most popular Indian male artistes in Trinidad and Tobago because of his versatility and ...

    Fadda Fox Biography

    Nicholas Joel Sealy, or Fadda Fox as some may know him grew up in a close knitted community know as Constant Land in the parish of St. George. Nicholas was the last born of Ms. Eurene Sealy's children. Nicholas and his three brothers were taught the morals of life which generally related to education and religion. He was a student of the St. George Primary School. It was during his ...

    Rikki Jai Biography

    Rikki Jai is an Trinidadian chutney-soca artiste. He was born Samraj Jaimungal, the fifth child in an East Indian family of six in Friendship Village, San Fernando, Trinidad. Raised in the Hindu faith by a mother who spoke Hindi, Jai discovered a love of music and began performing with local Indian bands Triveni and Naya Andaz.

    Adrian Dutchin Biography

    Born the first of six, Adrian Dutchin first appeared on the scene in 1998 as part of the group "Seven." He was the lead singer of the group for four years before venturing into music on his own, and was signed to Kross Kolor records by Burchmore Simon. Adrian continued to work on his music and eventually came out on top in ...

    Nisha B (Karma) Biography

    Definitely the most versatile female artiste you would see in the chutney/bollywood world. Why? Because she is capable of singing any song that challenge her career. Nisha’s life and being celebrates the essence of music. Having grown up with the ever presence of rhythm, and strong Indian cultural background, this talented singer devoted herself to the music industry at a very ...
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