Prescription from The Carnival Doctor

Rhadi Ferguson, PhD
"The Carnival Doctor"

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    This Message Has Been Brought
    To You By The ONLY Book Endorsed
    By TriniJungleJuice and MyCarnivalBands

    Carnival in TNT is one of the greatest shows on earth. And with that, you will do things that you've never done before in your life. You will dance more than you've ever danced, laugh more than you've ever laughed and wine more than you've ever wine. And you'll probably listen to more soca than you thought was possible.  And for those that drink who are first-timers or what we call carnival virgins -- you will drink more alcohol than you've ever drank in your life.

    And will all the songs that talk about rum and liquor, the non-drinker may be inclined to take a swig or two of a drink and then before you know it..... BOOM!!!

    While I was at Miami Carnival, I ran into this one brother who I met at Orlando Carnival and Tampa Carnival. His name is Jelani. The dude is cool people and a promoter and he handed me a flyer about Kes coming to Tampa on the 18th of October.  Now, this was FANTASTIC news because I knew after Miami Carnival I was going to need a quality hit of soca in my veins because I'm a soca junkie and I knew the Tabanca would kick in bad because Miami Carnival was AWESOME (to say the least).

    So on the 18th of October I went to see Kes at Dunn's River Cafe in Tampa, Florida and I got the fix that I needed.  It was a fantastic experience.

    Whew!!! Miami Carnival Was Massive!!! 

    So, the fetes are done, jouvert is done, the road is done but de vibes doh done. And now we all know what time it is.

    It’s time for us all to slowly prepare for The Greatest Show On Earth – Carnival in Trinidad. Now, here’s what we want to do. We want to share with you some tips and strategies from now until TNT2015 so that you can show up prepared and ready to have the best experience possible. 

    Look, it doesn’t matter if you are a Carnival Virgin  or a Carnival Veteran, there is so much to learn about Carnival and many ways to improve your experience and make your experience richer than before.

    This Message Has Been Brought
    To You By The ONLY Book Endorsed
    By TriniJungleJuice and MyCarnivalBands

    Look, it doesn’t matter if you are a Carnival Virgin  or a Carnival Veteran, there is so much to learn about Carnival and many ways to improve your experience and make your experience richer than before.

    So here’s what we are going to do.

    We are going to provide you with some tips from one of our in-house Carnival Specialist – Dr. Rhadi Ferguson, also known as the “Carnival Doctor”.   Dr. Ferguson is a 2004 Olympian, a former National Judo Coach for the Bahamas Judo Federation, a bona-fide carnival junkie and the man that has written the go-to guide for all carnival virgins on the planet on the best way to prepare for carnival.

    So without any further adieu, lets start out with tip number three.
    Waiting until the last minute to get housing or procrastinating will only makes things worse.  

    And trying to call around to find someone that you can share a room with could be an ABSOLUTE disaster if you and that person are not on the same page and don’t have the same PACE.  If you have a roommate, that should be planned out way in advance to. You most definitely want to room with someone that you have known WELL for years.  Otherwise, this can make for a disastrous trip. Especially when you combine, liquor, fatigue, impaired judgement and the opposite sex.  So be aware.  And when it comes to waiting until the last minute to get housing, yes, you may “pull it off” and get some housing but that’s not the way to do things.  

    Get your housing secured now.
    Today we live in a society where noise is constantly being pumped and “pushed” into our ear drums from our Bluetooth devices to regular giant size head phones that promote a “clearer” sound.  Whatever the case, you can clearly see how we have more devices with sound on our ears and person that we did years ago.  Compound this with loud noise exposure a few times out of the year and you can see why hearing loss and noise exposure strategies have become a hot topic of research and study.

    Now, I know it seems cool to listen to the music on the road and in the fetes right up on the speakers, but, all things considered, your hearing is something that is very important and its one thing that you cannot get back when you lose it.

    EVER!! Once you lose it – its gone!
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